Friday, June 20, 2008

Is Your House Killing You?

This is 2 minute trailer of an entertaining scientific makeover TV show that had a very successful 2007 season. It is about toxins in the home. It once and for all separates the facts from the filth as it is evidence based. It certainly provides valuable insights for the viewer, so much in life we just take for granted. Eye opening. Is our house really the safe sanctuary we think it is?

Sometimes there are simple solutions that can make all the difference. See the next clip. Another TV coverage, that we came across showing a simple solution in a "wellness home".

We decided to give it a try and like the family in the clip are delighted with the results in our home. The children are eating healthy, we are exercising more, we all feel blessed with the quality air and water that is both invigorating and gives us all vitality. Last but not the least we are all having the most rejuvenating sleep. The best part is that now, neither of us is on pharmaceuticals that we have to take for the rest of our lives

Leave a comment to share a solution you might have discovered, or want to enquire about we found.

A simple solution in a "Wellness Home"

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