Friday, June 20, 2008

Three against Poverty - What about you?

Our dear friend Wolfgang Sonnenburg, joins Nobel Laureate Mohamed Yunus to eradicate poverty from the planet. Having known Wolfgang longer than I have know Mohamed (I have not met him yet), it seems to me that Mohamed has joined Wolfgang's crusade.

In the final analysis, it matters little who joined who. I am delighted to join these two gentlemen and that makes three. The one thing that will make a difference, is if you join the crusade too.

Here is a 15 minute interview to give you a better understanding of what the issues are, and some solutions that they explore together.

We invite you to come join in this endeavor to make a difference.

All that is required is a willingness to explore ideas, your decision to make a difference and commitment to action.

Go on, click the comments below and say "Count me in!" and share your ideas with the global community. We will let you know the next activity we are doing together.

Come join the crusade - because together we can.

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