Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Business - How to have FUN with it!

Here is an interesting question I was asked.

"If you were looking for a new job (or a new investment) and you had a choice between a conservative business setting and a playful, upbeat, and high-energy one..... which would you choose?"
John, sitting on the same conversation says it is the same with selecting restaurants.
"If the quality were comparable, would you prefer to eat in a restaurant where the staff is playful, respectful, upbeat, and engaging... or in a quiet and reserved restaurant?"

The discussion took on an air of excitement and someone mentioned Brad Sugars, an entrepreneur from Brisbane, Australia, who moves to the US and is teaching the Americans to have some good Aussie Fun. Click here for a fantastic one hour of Brad which takes a while to load initially, but the patience is richly rewarded. As are a pen and some paper, to recollect some real dandy tips given to a live audience and everyone has Fun.

Here is a shorter 3 minute clip of Richard St. John sharing his findings on "What is Success?" Hundreds of interviews with some of the greatest leaders in their field. Distilled down to a 3 minute capsule that you would want to see again and again.

Take the lessons - learn, practice and Enjoy.

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